Wednesday, November 2, 2011

BSD Parent Pledge - "MY PLEDGE"

Did you see in the packet of papers from your child's school (OR for those of us with older kids, it's probably in the bottom of the backpack still), the BLUE Sheet of paper marked "My Pledge"? 
  • Find this paper
  • Read it  
  • Sign it
  • Get it back to the school
The pledge and list of tasks many parents do, but surprisingly (maybe), many others don't.  This Pledge is the BSD's efforts to connect with parents throughout the district to begin a basic checklist of commitment with ALL PARENTS.  Let's work to get, at the least, 60% returned back to BSD to demonstrate our strong commitment to a simple grassroots effort like this.  It is simple to do, but how many of us actually saw this piece of paper and understood what to do?  And acted upon it?

What do you think of "My Pledge"?  Now that you've found it in the backpack -- Let me hear what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming to speak at Lancashire's PTA meeting yesterday! My oldest is in kindergarten so there is still a lot that I need to learn. I'm glad to hear that all of the schools in the Brandywine school district have a music program, it's a shame that all schools in Delaware can't say the same. I agree tha we need more programs that focus on STEM since this is an area that was brought in Race to the Top. Thank you again for sharing your time with us!
